A YOUNG MAN OF AGED 25 GOT missing FROM RUMBUK - NEAR SOMBAREY. he is father of two kids, he drinks a bit and used to work in his field and used to live mostly with his elder bother after his wife had gone to her parent's home. unique about this man is his voice who speak in nasal voice ( naakhay). his brother is desperately searching him alone with the whole village since he got missing this sunday (13th june 2010).His official name is INDRA KUMAR SUBBA but locally he was called lapcha. he is the only younger brother of Aita raj subba ( active menber of SDF party, member CLC daramdin ). He could speak nepali and limboo language fluently and can understand hindi and English.aita raj has reported to the thana in sombarey. his friend and relative are searching every day. van Driver association of Sombarey helped on 17th june to search him. any one if comes across him can contact aitaraj @ 9434447287 or kamal @ 9593778111 or me (roshan) @ 9800045826. or Mr. D. K. Pradhan @ 9733327445