A grassroots football coaching camp was organized by the DSA youth in Sombarey from 5th Jan. to 31st Jan 2013. the main objective was to make children happy by playing football. In the mean time pick talented player for better platform or even grassroots football academy of FIFA in India. It was guided by main coach or Grassroots leader Mr. Basker Limboo and assited by Mr. C. P. Subba and Mukesh Das . the whole programme was organized DSA and it's Adhoc Committee Mr. J.B. Subba , Mr. T.M. Subba, Mr. Gagan Subba, Mr.Roshan Pradhan and many other from and around Sombarey. The camp ended with the festival with it's chief Guest Mrs. Devika Limboo , Chief Patron Mr. R. B. Subba Minister Road and Bridge Govt. Sikkim.