Tuesday, January 24, 2012

EPCS Youth convention 2012 in RUMBUK

The 19th state level annual youth convention 2012 of Evangelical Presbyterian Church Youth fellow Sikkim was organized at GJHS Rumbuk Playground, near Sombarey West Sikkim, from 24th Jan 2012 to 27th Jan. 2012. The convention of youth wing of Evangelical Presbyterian Church Sikkim (EPCS) is conducted every year for spiritual, physical, intellectual and social awareness among Christians youth of the State.
The theme of this year is “flee from your lives, don’t look back”. (Genesis 19:17)

The programme started with registration followed by enter district Cricket tournament , in which the west zone was the winner and runner-up was south zone. The formal programme started with the welcome by Rev. P.S. Tingboo to guest of the day Mr. Milan Rai BDO Sikkip and Mr. N.T Lepcha Zilla member, other local dignitary , special guest from various church and youth participants from all over Sikkim. The youth from 100 EPCS are participating with 700 members registered by the time of press release by Programme Secretary Ms. Solomi lepcha .
The special attraction of the programme are ;
Swar lahar final elimination round
Choir competition
Bible quiz, dance, poem competition
and special cultural show.
There is a special session for social issue like :
1. Drug abuse in youth
3. Women trafficking

About 1000 participant and 300 local guest attended the opening ceremony prayer of the convention.